Exhibition graphic design for ‘Face it! First Impressions Count’ at the Jewish Historical Museum in Amsterdam. It's an exhibition that examines the ways we form images of other people. The exhibition is divided into a number of themes: beard, voice, nose, eyes, and headdress. A succession of surprising historical and recent objects, documents, audio recordings, images, and video clips show that with in society's current debate about cultural diversity there is plenty of grey to be found in between all the black and white.
You see the face made out of mixed parts of different people. This is to show how identities can work through first impressions. The colour palette is chosen to fit the colour tone of the model’s skin. The Fresco Sans typeface is used, being the in-house style typeface of the Jewish Historical Museum in Amsterdam.
Exhibition: 19.12.16 to 17.04.17. Curator: Carine Lacore, Production Management: Jos van Doesburg, Interior Design: ROO ontwerpers, Photography: Paggy Kuipers