Netting Air – From the Low Land. It is a publication launched for the exhibition 'The Third House Owner' by Chikako Watanabe, which can be seen in Huis Marseille from 9 June to 2 September 2018. The book offers a beautiful and complete overview of Watanabe's works over the past twenty years showcasing her playful approach to her subject matter.
Authors: Abdurrahman Gülbeyaz, Hisako Hara, Suzanne Oxenaar, Macha Roesink, Yvonne Twisk Editors: Nanda van den Berg, Nicky van Banning, Mizue Nakamura (HeHe), Chiyako Watanabe Size: 142 pages Format: 17 x 24 cm Printer: Unicum Binder: Van Mierlo, Publisher: HeHe